Monday, September 12, 2016

Week 1B

Social media sites that are geared towards personal use would include Snapchat, Instagram, twitter, and Facebook. Snapchat is an app that allows you to take a picture and send it to your friends but they can only see it for how ever long you set but there is a maximum of 10 seconds and then it disappears forever. You can also send a video that has a maximum of 10 seconds. Snachat has gotten more features and has improved its technology but this is the general idea of what it is used for. Instagram is an app that allows you to post pictures and videos and you can follow people. Facebook is like Instagram but you can also just post words of what you want to say. 

Social media sites that are geared towards business could include Facebook and Instagram because you can promote your business on these sites. Even though Facebook and Instagram were designed for personal use, you can kind promote your business or someone else's business on your personal account.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alona (Pink Pebbles),
    I agree that a large majority of the most commonly used social media platforms have evolved to suit both business and personal purposes. I also have yet to jump on the snapchat train, everyone seems to love it.

    Best of Luck,
