Friday, September 23, 2016

Week 3A
Problems with this website:
  1. The pictures on the front page do not show up. They are empty boxes with a little paper that is ripped in half in the corner. 
  2. This website looks messy. There is some writing on the main page that is scrolling but cuts off so you have to sit and wait to see what it says.
  3. At least three of the links does not even work. When you click on them, they go to another page but it just says Not Found. 
This Website could improve if they fixed their images. They also need to fix their links so they work properly too. Last they need to fix the title on the top of the main page so it isn't scrolling and cutting off the words.
Problems with this website:
  1. The pages are very dark with bright writing. It hurts my eyes to read after while.
  2. This website also looks messy. It is on dark pages with bright writing but also the font size varies quite a bit. It Just is not very organized.
  3. The images on some of the pages do not work properly. They are just blank boxes
This website could improve if they changed their font colors and background colors to not so dark. Also they need to organize a little more so it is not so messy. Last they need to fix some of their images so they show up and aren't blank boxes.
This website looks very well made and very professional. You can easily tell what their website is for when you click on it. The heading, along with their logo, stays at the top when you click on different tabs. Their colors are good and blend well together. They are very organized and everything seems to be in the right tab.
This website also looks very well made and professional. You can easily see what this website is promoting. The heading and their logo stays at the top when you click on the different tabs. They are very well organized and have lots of pictures too.


  1. It looks as though we both noticed the same problems for the Exmouth hotel. In my opinion, these problems extend past design; they suggest that the owners have little interest in maintaining their business's online presence, which might translate as not maintaining their business, period.

    As for Headhunters Styling, my opinions have changed. In my blog post, I applauded this website's "less is more" approach, but now I see that the information presented might come off as a bit too simple and minimal. More detail should be put into the information, such as examples of their work instead of just stock imagery.

    1. Hi Katie,
      Thank you for replying to my post. Now that you mention that they should post examples of their work, I totally agree. I think I was paying more attention to the layout so I didn't notice this.

  2. I agree with Katie about Headhunters styling, they would really benefit if they made a live Instagram feed on their page. If they posted frequently it could serve as a portfolio featuring examples of their work and at the same time direct more organic traffic to their social media sites.
