Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 2A

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business? 
I had a problem communicating with a business before. I am not exactly sure what business it was but it was linked to amazon. I ordered snowboard pants from a company through amazon but when I hit complete checkout; I honestly have no idea how this happened; it charged the wrong credit card, did two-day shipping, and went to the wrong address. It took me forever the find an email or phone number for the company and when I was finally able to contact the company they didn't really care what happened. They said return them when you get them if you do not want them. I drove to address that it went to a couple days later and got them. They were the wrong size so I had to return them. It took a while to get my refund and I still ended up paying for two-day shipping and return shipping.

Does social media make it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved?  
To be honest, I am not sure if social media gets your problems noticed or solved. I would say, in most cases yes. Most companies or businesses will have a contact email address or phone number.

Have you ever had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media?  

I have never had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media because I have never contacted a company or business unless I had a problem. And the one time I did, It turned out to be more of a waste of time then helpful. 

If it was your own business on social media, how would you respond to positive or negative comments?

If I had a business I would respond to negative comments very respectfully. I would ask what they didn't like and what I can do to fix it or how I could fix it to change their opinion.

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